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Sandy Scott

I think your idea of making everything in MDS first is a great idea. Saves on cutting lots of paper!!! I have a quilting program coming too that should help with planning colors etc. I just got a laptop so maybe I can play more with my MDS and really learn how to use it. Right now it is work instead of fun. My vote is for #2 on the layout with circle circus. I guess I like the assymetry of it.

Mary Pendergrass

Definitely the second one.

Jan L

I like the second layout a bit better, also, although I'm not sure why. Just a little more interesting visually.

Jan L (from Wowstampers)

Susan Erickson

Definitely the second one. The dots on the first one keep the eye jumping from one spot to the other. On the second page the eye starts with the title, then moves to the bright circle on the right and follows down diagonally through the big circles to the circle on the bottom left. The other two circles just balance out the composition without distracting the eye away from the flow.
Sue aka The Soggy Stamper

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